Plugins for `es-ES`, `zh-CN`, and `ja-JP` are largely proof-of-concept. This issue will be a log of where we need our initial set of full plugins.
- [x] en-GB
- should directly pull from sour…
bpevs updated
9 months ago
If there is an option to show the pronuciation rendered above the character just like the NHK news, I think it's good for Japanese learners.
About the solution:
1. HTML [Ruby Annotation element](h…
In Chinese, pinyin syllables can be separated by spaces, but when part of a single compound word, they're more typically just juxtaposed with no separator. Except some of them: for disambiguation, cer…
**As defined in various sources, the Yale romanization uses numbers 1-6 exclusively. Number 1, 3, and 6 are used for 上陰入, 下陰入, and 陽入.** Please consider replacing tone numbers 7, 8, 9 in Yale with 1, …
Import additional words that are specific for Cantonese
My request has already been made before but i wanted to open another issue to emphasize the importance of this feature, and to offer a new suggestion.
This project is amazing and i love using it. I…
I don't know how you farm those jyutping,
but anyway, if you haven't included this method, I thin…
**Describe the bug**
I compiled and installed Miteiru 5.3.0 from source code for my Linux machine. It would not run because of to-jyutping.
The output in my terminal shows:
A JavaScript error occ…
1. 好多粵語字,特別是香港增補字符的字都在選字框裏都無法正常顯示或顯示亂碼,但將這些亂碼打在excel又可以看到這些亂碼或空白其實是字,建議選字框用Mingliu-HKSCS-ExtB。
2. 粵拼輸入法可以優先選字香港教育或官方習慣用字嗎,畢竟香港和台灣用字習慣不一樣,網上香港政府網站都有字形資料。
3. 可以通過打詞彙選擇該詞彙中的其…
I would like to translate Hanzi (KyuJiTai) to kanji (ShinJiTai).
There is no function that allows for direct conversion like that.