Rebuild started: Project: L-ink_Card
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\armkeil\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Rebuild target 'L-ink_Card'
assembling sta…
Keil的C编译器是基于C90的,所以有很多C99的特性不被支持导致无法编译。比如可变参数的宏定义 XXX(...) 等。
### 你在什么场景下需要该功能?
对于一些单片机的开发来说,Keil MDK是常用的一个IDE,它使用的armclang或者armcc的支持型号很多并且优化良好。但是在Linux或者MacOS平台上Armcc或者Armclang for mdk的工具链支持并不是很完善,因此是否可以做一个能自动生成keil mdk工程的插件进行转换,也方便大多数开发者的使用习惯和后续的CI/CD工作。
Five temperature scale individuals were connected to the according temperature scale class by owl:equivalentClass which makes them individuals of themselves [Review Keil & Schindler].
In my current project using the Keil pack version of the MSDK drivers (v1.1.0), Keil's compiler throws two minor warnings from the driver code:
**Describe The Problem To Be Solved**
These days all downloads shall be using secured connections. The download address for public packs is determined by the `` tag in the package description file (*…
I have a problem when using pyOCD with an ATSAMD21G18A chip. The vendor file lists two PDSC entries for that part:
1. Keil.SAMD21_DFP 1.3.1 (deprecated 2020-10-21)
2. Microchip.SAMD21_DFP 3.6.144…
i am trying to compile your code in keil mdk uVision 5 but have no success yet can you plz help me out hoe to solve this issue i got flowing error list
`*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 1 (build 61)',…
Four entities classified as units should be scales instead. For example, OM>_1-10 should be a OM>Ordinal_scale [Review Keil & Schindler].