A very simple snippet lands on an infinite loop in some environment it seems:
let left: u64 = 1;
let right: u64 = 1;
let mut myhash = HashMap::new();
myhash.insert(left, right)…
Most kernel invocations can return errors. For several types of errors, the kernel actually returns an error message with more information about the error. EG for a seL4_RangeError, the kernel provide…
From what I understand, uniform and non-uniform parameters are distinguished in the kernel but not in MetaCoq because it does not matter for typing. However, it matters for meta-programming so:
1. qu…
Are you planning to support Cupy functions in Cupy kernels? Currently, I need to write NumPy/Cupy functions by myself if I want to use them in kernels.
A long standing issue is that the kernel will happily try to reduce functions defined by well-founded recursion (#2171), and then this often fails with `(kernel) deep recursion detected`.
This lead…
According to this documentation the binary labels are part of the equation of SVCLoss, https://qiskit-community.github.io/qiskit-machine-learning/stubs/qiskit_machine_learning.utils.loss_functions.S…
As suggested by @wsmoses [1] I am adding here the code for executing my kernels where compilation takes a long time. there are two kernels - first takes around 15 minutes, second 54 minutes (earlier …
Rounding is only supported by Wormhole, and Wormhole, and Wormhole has the exact function `float_to_int16` if the value is in range.
### Some background and history
In August of 2023 Irwin Zaid (@izaid) made the following [comment](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/19023#issuecomment-1689050946) on the pull request https://git…
I am using the latest version of the NESTML master branch, with the sine and cosine implementation.
I wrote two NESTML codes for stdp synapses, which present sine and cosine functions in the ke…