I'm new to here,how to render handlebars without middleware?Is code below works?
const handlebars = require('handlebars')
app.use((req, res) => {
const locals = req.locals // get template local…
When `pm2 logs` is executed some logs are not prefixed with process name
public-app-2 Thu, 15 Oct 2015 04:16:53 GMT koa-handlebars rendering home-page template
public-app-2 Thu, 15 Oct 2015 04:16…
我这页面上显示现在的模块数目是 89,618
https://www.npmjs.org/ 显示当前模块数是 89 745
但是我执行 sync_not_exist 却提示
[tools/sync_not_exist.js] start sync not exist modules
[Tue Aug 19 2014 22:06:06 GMT+0800 (CST)] [wor…
I have a layout like:
``` html
Example title
{{# block "sidebar" }}
{{/ block }}
with two partials, one in `partials/sidebar.hbs`:
``` html
{{# conten…
I have a module which had the following dependencies:
``` json
"dependencies": {
"almond": "0.3.1",
"babel-core": "5.8.24",
"check-dependencies": "0.9.5",
"grunt": "0.4.5",
I am trying to get back the response so that I can check it in my unit tests.
Once I added yield, it blew up. I'm using koa-controller as well.
module.exports = {
find: function *(){
The following log says, that partials are found and compiled, but at render log says that partials not found:
There is nothing about registration in readme.
Wed, 06 May 2015 10:12:38 GMT koa-handleba…
Just wanted to let you know, I had to downgrade my `koa-hbs` from `0.7.0` to `0.6.0`. On Dokku via Digital Ocean, `this.render` would never respond in `0.7.0`. Wasn't able to fully diagnose it.
I'm sorry, this isn't an issue exactly.
I've been trying for a few hours to wrap my head around how this boilerplate is set up and I am just completely confused.
I wanted to add auth and an API. I…
By default, the docs say it should format replies in JSON, but all my responses are in XML.
var koa = require('koa');
var hbs = require('koa-hbs');
var router = require('koa-router');