I'd like to use your library in Kotlin/JS project, however you build it only for JVM target.
The only file that uses some JVM-specifics is `IconGenerator.kt`:
it imports `java.util.Arrays.a…
### Describe the feature
It would be good to add a feature similar to KtorClient:
Which would allow sanitization of headers such as Authorizat…
### Description
on `Pressable` android_ripple={color: XXX} doesn't work correctly.
Here are issues:
- when user configure the android_ripple={color: "#FF0000"} => the ripple color is grey. Wha…
I am getting the following error when I use the library for Android React Native:
Error: The 'kotlin-android-extensions' Gradle plugin is no longer supported. Please use this migration guide (…
Vulnerable Library - kotlin-reflect-1.3.21.jar
Kotlin Full Reflection Library
Path to dependency file: /test/fixtures/find-files/gradle-kts/build.gradle.kts
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-sca…
Since updating to `2.0.20-1.0.24` our devs started getting the following occasionally:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Storage for [path/to/project/my-module/build/kspCaches/debug/symbolLooku…
Being able to use Gzip in common code would be a killer feature.
I surveyed the other options out there:
- Korge supports more sources, but not all of them, and has some limitations around using Gzi…
I just landed a 35% performance improvement in my application by replacing this:
Json.decodeFromString(deserializer, string)
with this:
Json.decodeFromDynamic(deserializer, JSO…
Currently, Kotlin Wasm is [Alpha](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/components-stability.html).
Dokka analyzes it as JS platform. Dokka K1 does the same.
It is blocked by https://youtrack.jetbrains.com…