It's valid ATF to split a long transliteration line with a hard return, like this:
1. UMUŠ ana {lu₂}UN-MEŠ šu₂-nu-tu₂ iq-bi um-ma {d}na-na-a-a ana BAR.SIP₃{ki} ana E₂.ZI.DA
i-te-ru-ub ha-an-ṭiš…
The lemmatiser is called with wrong parameter order following a recent refactoring.
Solution: refactor the ODHPOSTagger so that is does not call the lemmatiser.
Instead, transfer the POS-related heuri…
Feedback 26.11:
Lorsqu'un signe de ponctuation (guillement ', double point :, et peut-être d'autres) se trouve dans le texte à lemmatiser, il semble qu'il décale les analyses : lorsqu'on positionne al…
When I set up config files as in config/Jan, using 2 KBs (dbpedia and dbpeida de), I got (see below). The root cause:
"text" : "org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Found multiple cores with …
import Wictionary for three languages and set up in SQL database