I plan on buying a Libra H20 but I'd like to be able to reflash it with custom firmwares.
Could you provide instructions on how to backup and restore the original firmware so that everything …
### Share your bug report, feature request, or comment.
## The error
I am using owncast on windows using docker containers. I have pulled the `owncast/owncast:latest` container and spun it up. I have…
0|CE Libra | 2017-08-08 09:05:06 -03:00: ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined
0|CE Libra | at me.upload (/srv/shared/backend/node_modules/vimeo-upload/vimeo-upload.js:193:23)
0|CE …
Ethlyn is in the normal 4*/3* summoning pool post-'Doorway to Destiny - Tempest Trials', even though she is non-summonable. Libra is also not available in the 4* summoning pool post-'Ylissean Travelle…
Please can you update this repository so we can at least get access to the kernel for the new devices ?
[flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) testing of https://github.com/Palashio/libra on Python 3.9.0rc1+
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics__
### Question
Thank you for your great work. I would like to try the VQGAN implementation in your repo, I found the loss definition in the code `libra/models/libra/taming/models/vqgan.py`:
I am interested in using Libra to explore different DE methods for my labs scRNAseq projects. However, I have some questions regarding exactly how to do it.
This is a human organ atlas pro…
As I tested import mnemonic from Libra cli it got a different address (but all the signing func work properly).
I think the problem is how the account is generated.
**Refer to this** for seed gen…
totiz updated
5 years ago
Currently this test is disabled for stock runners because it fails:
Same job passes in self-hosted ru…