I am working on a small project and the training code will be helpful
please post it if available if not give me a hint please for the loop to be done
run code on google colab
when I train my model I get this error and my code and message error bellow
My Code
import os
from silence_tensorflow import silence_tensorflow
Thank you very much for sharing your great work! Currently, the pretrained model is doing lipreading at word-level. If I was given a sentence, how do I do lipreading? How can I segment the sent…
Hi, this project seems to contain only test code. Is training codes available?
While evaluating the module the code always crashes due to this error,
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tcn_options' referenced before assignment
as it requires the tcn_options variable to be glob…
Hi, Thanks for you code! After reading the paper, I am not quite sure the meaning of mean face parameter, and if I hope to use with my own data, how to extract the mean face parameter before training?
zzgg1 updated
3 years ago
Can you please provide step by step instructions on how to train and run this repo on LSR2 dataset? I want to then run the trained model to predict what a user is saying in a video.
Thank you for sharing such nice code.
My question is: how to extract audio data **from an MP4 file** in the preprocessing stage? In [this](https://github.com/mpc001/Lipreading_using_Temporal_Convol…
Would you please share me a piece of downloaded dataset, by baidu pan or google driver ? Thanks ahead of time !!!