Now that we have access to information about how much space is left on each chunk, we can implement load balancing. @edaniszewski
I want to expose redis cluster outside of the kubernetes. I've added a load balancer service with these settings:
undermoonClusterName: my-redis-cluster
I need to set up a virtual IP that will be load balancing across multiple clients in a UDM-PRO managed VLAN. Is it possible to achieve this with this project?
cc @boostchicken
This is a feature request.
How about adding support for attaching a predefined number of meteor **instance-clones** to a **Load Balancer** like one of these:
- PM2 Load Balancer
"load balancing" has long been a goal for randomizr. Various solutions have been attempted and even implemented, but were finally abandoned for some reason or other. This issue is for version 2!
# …
# load balancing
컴퓨터 네트워크 기술의 일종으로 둘 혹은 셋 이상의 중앙처리장치 혹은…
How many instances it will create in AWS. Is it straight forward to setup the load balancer for both judgehost and domserver or should I need to do anything specially for this?
_From [aliki...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/108569982468378542160/) on March 22, 2012 16:02:58_
Is it possible to do load balancing using the frequency parameter ?
10K requests …
As per the supported load balancing strategies in the [initial design](https://github.com/AbsaOSS/ohmyglb/blob/master/docs/index.md#load-balancing-strategies) a _manual_ strategy should be implemented…