Via https://github.com/lockedata/starters/issues/11#issuecomment-457290489
The function would help automate as much of https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/usethis-setup.html (and for things…
In the latest master build https://travis-ci.org/lockedata/starters/builds/477852270#L1133
>── 1. Error: createBasicProject() can create a GitHub repo (@test-AAA-createBasi
GitHub API error (404): 4…
### Update
A broader solution than discusses here can be found in [lorenzwalthert/pre-commit-hooks](https://github.com/lorenzwalthert/pre-commit-hooks).
> #### Original post
> I read in #452…
just noticed https://github.com/magic-lantern/SoftwareEngineeringPrinciples/blob/60e0bfd87e7d180a992b94d4f4aaf46b00add607/sourcecode/testing_survey_scratch.R#L33 - i maintain https://cran.r-project.or…
Any tip @yonicd?
Checking default description values...
[Copied to clipboard]
● DESCRIPTION defaults not set yet. Amend and paste the code above (copied to clipboard) to your .Rprofile via running use…
Unfortunately, a package went live on CRAN with the name `projects`. There's an existing repo called [starters](https://github.com/utshahansen2604/starters) but looks purely like a personal utility pa…
For the skeleton docs (#2), have a script that produces them and sends to gh-pages branch or docs/
This could then be added to .travis.yml
I was about to send a PR for the `open = FALSE` argument; things were going great for the first three functions but then something went horribly wrong on the fourth one 😭
Obviously, I thought it wa…