**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I use Bosch custom component v0.18.3
Logamatic HMC300, Gateway iCom_Low_NSC_v1, firmware 04.08.02.
**Describe th…
Hi @the78mole. I would like to use your board but i need to make small modiffication. I would like to add there 1-wire iface for sensors to the boiler and end it by terminals: https://de.farnell.com/…
I have a unknown firmware version and like to ask to add them, please find the raw scan attached.
It is a Buderus Heat Pump Logatherm with RC100.
I would like the cost of water heating and determine the heating costs.
**Describe the bug**
Is downloading statistics only the other day. One day is download next one is missing. I noticed this issue back in October, all November and December data had missing days.
**Bug description**
The topic `ems-esp/thermostat_data` does not get updated. Actually, new topics are being issued but with old values. When the EMS devices gets restarted new values are being read …
Ich habe folgenden Wunsch:
Vielleicht könnte dies integriert werden.
Leider ist in dem Adapter das Buderus KM200 HRV Gateway für Logavent Lüftungsanlagen nicht integriert.
Die Daten la…
Please ad the "ENTITIES" info (similar to dashboard) within system JSON within Devices array per type (boiler, thermostat etc):
tp1de updated
2 years ago
- BUDERUS Logamax plus GB192iT40
- BOSCH RC310 thermostaat
- BUDERUS Gateway Logamatic web KM100
- BBQkees Gateway Premium II
- ems-esp v2.1.1b7
I noticed a very nervous behavio…
- BUDERUS Logamax plus GB192iT40
- BOSCH RC310 thermostaat
- BUDERUS Gateway Logamatic web KM100
- BBQkees Gateway Premium II
- ems-esp v2.2.2
- home assistant 2021.8.8
The t…