OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) outputs logs to the user data mount point in /u01. The fix is to just mount /u01 to give the agent access to the logs. See https://github.com/logdna/logdna-ag…
I have a requirement where I need to create views per Kubernetes namespace in IBM Log Analysis tool. But I am not able to find a way to send the Namespace field as TAG using logDNA agent.
As most o…
The upstream logspout project supports reading `/etc/host_hostname` to determine the hostname. This allows one to expose the actual hosts name to the container rather than using the container id.
After putting my create-react-app into production using logdna-browser, I received two reports from end users of the browser hanging completely. My suspicion is that it is the same problem as this iss…
I've made this change locally. But I think it could go in the public gem. I'm using `ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging` in Rails to include log tags like this:
# This is the default in Rails, b…
Looking at the https://registry.terraform.io/providers/logdna/logdna/latest/docs/resources/logdna_stream_config documentation, it appears that the provider does not support any other option than the K…
I am trying to include all logs from a specific namespace but excluding the pods with a label and is not working.
value: namespace:…
Currently the `logdna_agent_fs_lines` is a simple counter without any labels. For the purposes of observing the logging agent properly, it'd make things simpler to add additional labels to the metric,…
Somewhere between v. 2 and 3.0.1 `countme` changed so the following
pub struct SegmentedBuf {
_c: countme::Count,
pub(crate) bufs: SmallVec,
pos: usize,
Hello there,
I am experiencing issues with running a LogDNA logspout Docker container on my fairly old Rancher setup (Rancher v1.6.4).
The issue is a constant CPU usage spike when starting a logsp…
ghost updated
2 years ago