_This issue is being reported as part of the ongoing audit being conducted by Authio for Kyokan._
**Severity:** Note
The signature library used doesn't throw on signatures which have the form (r, -s…
Per the comment here:
A signature of one type can be trivially tra…
I am trying to generate a proof for a ZoKrates program holding quite many input fields (1263), 1255 of them are private. While compilation, setup and witness generation work out fine, I receive…
At Scaling Bitcoin / Hong Kong, Tadge Dryja presented on "BIPs necessary for Lightning Network":
1. How do we handle input and outputs?
Initially, I based this code off schnorrkel, which provides sign-verify methods for many usage patterns.
Ideally, schnorrkel should encapsulate the `VR…
## Problem/Use case
A company may want to pay validator fees for a user and/or explicitly authorize protected actions on behalf of a user.
## Proposal 1:
New instruction type that allows paying fee…
Inspired by [ton network highload v3 wallet type][1]
Currently, we record the transaction hashes for replay protection, which is quite heavy. One alternative solution is to let the user provide an …
1) Missing 0 address check in the `transferOwnership()` function.
To close this ticket, get an implementation of HTLC into MagicBean which is compatible with [HTLC for Bitcoin](https://github.com/zcash/zcash/issues/2116), including figuring out how to address mallea…
While working on adapting Miniscript to Tapscript, i [noticed](https://gist.github.com/sipa/06c5c844df155d4e5044c2c8cac9c05e?permalink_comment_id=4434770#gistcomment-4434770) signatures in Tapscript o…