rules BeEF_browser_hooked and src_ptheft_command are present in duplicate instances in:
Yara-Rules/malware/EXPERIMENTAL_Beef.yar:rule BeEF_browser_hooked : experimental {
After I migrate from OllyDbg v1.10 to Immunity Debugger with OllyMigrate on a Windows 7 x64 machine, Labeless crashes but other plugins don't.
See its [features](https://www.winitor.com/) page
Add command for print Indicators like in PEStudio (i.e display version information that are already parsed). For example:
When using the web-interface at http://jsbeautifier.org/ and pasting
``` JavaScript
var _0xa = ["\x30"];
and then pressing "beautify", everything disappears. "Detect packers and obfuscators" opt…
Print all of the strings from the running process memory.
this could help analyzing some malwares with packers.