I'm trying a basic example, estimating mean and variance of a bivariate normal distribution given independent samples.
For this example, the prior on the mean and variance is that they are positiv…
The issues here are about conditioning and the semantics of `logpdf`.
Currently we have a function `logpdf(x, ω)`, documented as "Logdensity of f on trace ω". But the semantics of which are not en…
zenna updated
4 years ago
#### Description
scikit-learn has a [datasets module](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html#module-sklearn.datasets) that provides handy utility functions to load and generate to…
The sampler is the main part of the uncertain code.
First try to implement the sampler.
after modification it works well upto page 3 but I had another bug on prediction/forecasts due to depreciation of ix and I modified .ix to .loc but the plot still looks no lower and upper bound.
I had an idea while watching a [video on Gibbs sampling](http://videolectures.net/mlss09uk_murray_mcmc/) (the bit beginning at roughly 1h09m): Maybe we can adapt the Gibbs sampler to deal with correl…
gully updated
8 years ago
@tnportone ran a chain, saved the (adapted) proposal covariance matrix to a file, upon a restart the proposal covariance matrix appears to not have been imported correctly because the restarted chain …
Hi, I'm wondering if Umlaut could be a nice foundation for some work I'm doing in Tilde.jl. Say we have a model for a random walk
m = @model x begin
σ ~ Exponential()
x[1] ~ Nor…
Я это вижу так, что сначала информация про fermionic problem, сослаться на лекцию, потом освежить классический метод Монте Карло, потом объяснение, что для fermionic problem из разложения Тейлора мы п…
- [x] Allow for re-sampling of the starting point
- [x] Make conjugate updates work with the FPT setting
- [x] Allow for different memory parameters `rho` of the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson scheme…