so as written, theory assumes that it will always operate as its own port with its own root (/). however, if you try and include it as part of another hierarchy, you get PATH-related breakage. for exa…
Can we use /min/something.js or /min/group.css to reference a group?
I added the following 2 rules to my .htaccess on my server and it works great.
I know the rules are vary, vary crude for a m…
Can we use /min/something.js or /min/group.css to reference a group?
I added the following 2 rules to my .htaccess on my server and it works great.
I know the rules are vary, vary crude for a m…
Can we use /min/something.js or /min/group.css to reference a group?
I added the following 2 rules to my .htaccess on my server and it works great.
I know the rules are vary, vary crude for a m…
Please edit documentation.
1. Be aware of this line **printf "LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so" > /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf**, this will rewrite your configuration file with …
mod_rewrite is not default enabled
cannot continue the installation:
Checking if mod_rewrite is enabled for application folder...
Apache mod_rewrite is not working for application folder. Please change Apache configuration.
Seems like a net win and it doesn't have to be a full-blown monster tactic like tidy.
I am using the expert option, and I see the following text:
> When Expert cache delivery is enabled a file called .htaccess is modified. It should probably be in the same directory as your wp-confi…
aoloe updated
11 years ago