Thank you very much for sharing this great work.
I am wondering whether you try baselines based solely on visual or acoustic features.
I adopted TFN structure to get baseline over visual features,…
As per the ppt I try to load wav2vec2 with the following code and get the following error:
>>> upstream = torch.hub.load("s3prl/s3prl",'wav2vec2_url',ckpt = 'https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fai…
Thanks for sharing the codes. I just run your codes on MNIST, but it seems the loss does not drop.
This is the training log:
Train Loss: 16.65132975578308
Train Accuracy: 0.440000
Test Ac…
When two lines have the same "title" AND "year" AND "authors" keep only one (the first? the most complete?)
Below the three key in ISI and SCOPUS:
- title --> ISI = TI / Scopus = Title
- year -->…
tommv updated
4 years ago
> AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理