Чуть ниже текст на русском.
I've installed nginx-1.10.3.
I've also downloaded nginx-rtmp-module from https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module/archive/master.tar.gz
After unpacking I ran `./confi…
Hello, i use almalinux 9 with cpanel. Is engintron is compatible to install it?
### Current Behavior
1. 在dashboard 里修改路由,增加路由,删除路由都无任何的反应
2. 甚至我直接在etcd里面修改路由,但是dashboard 也是没有任何的反应
### Expected Behavior
### Error Logs
1. 修改路由
Although the master branch of that repository does not compile any more, the 2.2.0 version https://github.com/vkholodkov/nginx-upload-module/tree/2.2.0 which is the last "released" version works fine.…
Dear nginx-vod-module subscribers, as we see increased adoption of this module,
we're interested to learn more about which organizations are using it and how.
If you wish to participate, please com…
I am building the Modsecurity module dynamically against Nginx v1.27.2 Mainline, on Ubuntu 22.04. The Ubuntu 22.04 instructions [HERE:](https://github.com/owasp-modsecurity/ModSecurity/wiki/Compilatio…
integrate imgmin with nginx
[QuickJS](https://github.com/bellard/quickjs) will be added as an alternative JS engine. The goal is to achieve a drop-in replacement level support for QuickJS.
QuickJS is supported and developed by a…
``` shell
sh-4.4# ./uuwaf -V
uuWAF version: uuWAF/1.24.0
built by gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) (GCC)
I build on Centos 9 Stream and Rocky Linux 9.4 with same error