**LRR Version and OS**
Linux native, 0.7.7 updated from 0.7.6, debian buster
**Bug Details**
Application crashes on start.
**Matching Logs**
Starting the application leaves the following in `…
저 밑에 마나토끼 화수 잘못 다운된다는 이슈 글에 답변해주신 링크 타고 다운로더 새로 받았는데
별짓을 다해도 실행이 안됩니다.
after successfully install this program, I open cmd and type nhentai --help but it only shows
'nhentai' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
**LRR Version and OS**
Docker V0.7.5
**Bug Details**
can not get tags from ehentai and nhentai when the name of the cbz is in Japanese
the name format is (id)-[artist]-title eg. (1172760)-[N/A]-…
Tambah yt,ig downloaderny gan :)
혹시 이제 nhentai 사이트 다운로드는 불가능한건가요?
https://nhentai.com/en/comic/(제목).digital 이주소로도 안되고(can not determine)
https://nhentai.com/g/번호 (can not determine)
프로그램에서 nhentai_번호 이것도 invailid 뜨네요
Hi, sorry for bothering, but I would like to ask how can I get BocchiBot premium, if its possible its current price and if I would need a paid API. - Thanks in advance 😃.
hi i run this in termux and wsl and always showing like this
2021-03-29 09:56:44,186 - telethon.network.mtprotosender - INFO - Connecting to
2021-03-29 09:56:46,231 - …
Hey when I install i get this error,
> error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\python37\\lib\\site-packages\\easy-install.pth
I repaired Python 3.7.5 but still get the error. Any ideas?
Can Hdoujin-downloader download mangas of exhentai from hitomi.la and hiyobi.me instead? That can speedup download speed and save lots of GP of exhentai.