The repository supports harvesting of metadata using OAI-PMH.
This is a standard to allow other repositories to harvest data from your repository. EUDAT has [an extension developed](https://github…
### Describe the bug
I have been having challenges with Autogen framework for quite sometime now, I have followed YouTube tutorials, Autogen documentations, done the necessary installations and still…
The OAI Platform files UX is pretty lacking. https://platform.openai.com/storage/files
Right now it shows the following information in the UX:
Im DINI-Zertifikat 2019 wird für die Auslieferung von Metadaten über die OAI-Schnittstelle empfohlen, neben dem Pflichtformat Dublin Core Simple zusätzlich das DataCite-Format zu verwenden. Im [Zertif…
## fixes requested
- [ ] **is_shown_by**: currently mapped as an array(?); please map as a string -- see example in [27587 report](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D4oJ9VAoEJmyvbMXmvXqGSY9KRQKz…
I am currently facing the issue that the duration is always 0.0 seconds. I just had once a run where the duration was 128 seconds. But alle the other tests gave no result? What could be the problem he…
Hi, I find that oai-pmh api return error xml data with the url https://dataverse.harvard.edu/oai?verb=ListRecords&resumptionToken=MTo1NTAwfDI6fDM6fDQ6fDU6b2FpX2Rj
see the figure below.
### Describe the bug
When running autogenstudio ui from a conda environment I get the following error:
flaml.automl is not available. Please install flaml[automl] to enable AutoML functionalities…
Issue to discuss the examples of this repository. See README on `main` for details.
Add metadata prefix oai dcq