Currently, SSL is disabled on the PG service (sslmode=disable) so the ogr2ogr command shows credentials in clear on the network. For production, we should make sure this does not happen.
when I want to convert this FeatureServer service as GeoPackage using ogr2ogr on macOS, an error occurred with these messages
> Warning 6: driver ESRIJSON does not support open option NATIVE_DATA
Support for downloading to different formats from GeoNode. Similar to above, we will use OGR2OGR on the server side to rewrite a chosen layer into the user’s preferred format (e.g. KMZ) before it gets…
Is it possible to have --clip-bounding-box handle more than boxes, i.e. a polygon, or a file of polygons? I do understand this can be done in tandem with ogr2ogr or similar tools.
In the red box the water has had a point dropped from the region of the green circle …
ich finde die .geojson Dateien etwas zu groß für Web Anwendungen und habe einige schon (z.B. von 2MB auf 500Kb) mit ogr2ogr vereinfacht... soll ich das für alle Files mache oder übernimmt das jeder in…
Try using ogr to convert from gdb:
from https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/108006/how-to-convert-data-from-a-gdb-into-a-shapefile-without-arcmap
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" C:/Temp/Shps C…
After a first attempt (thanks @PedroVenancio) it seems that the ogr2ogr commands must be changed to something along the following lines:
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:20790 -t_srs EPSG:3763 -ct "+proj=pipel…
### What is the bug or the crash?
Trying to load micro geometry makes QGIS to freeze.
### Steps to reproduce the issue
Unpack zip file and try to open SHP file in QGIS. It freezes. The SHP file was…
Scheduled loads are failing.
+ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL 'PG:***' --config PG_USE_COPY YES -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom -lco FID=transport_line_id -nln bcdata.transport_line /vsizip/tmp/dgtl_road_atlas…