JS 정규표현식에 대한 개념에 대한 조사를 진행한 후 정리하여 올리는 이슈.
참고할 문서:
- [Learning JavaScript] 도서 ch.17 정규표현식
- [MDN 'RegExp' 문서](https://developer.mozilla.org/ko/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp)…
I found this by accident, it was saved on OneTab https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57895117/how-to-use-theme-from-github-io-site-for-github-project-pages-sites/59722229
I will try this when I can…
每次归拢都要新建一个组 即使是一个页面 这样分组无限多 查看很麻烦 能不让可以让用户设置默认不分组 都在一个组 或者像onetab一样显示在一个页面上
另外就是能不能一键合并所有分组 现在合并分组 只能选两个组合并 多选一个都做不到
This is a very specific issue, but I found that when the following conditions are fulfilled:
- Using `cognitoR`
- Using Bootstrap 4+ (with `bslib::bs_theme()`)
- Using `appendTab`
better-onetab isn't available on firefox right now, so I had to figure out how to manually install it. Leaving this here for other firefox users.
It's not quite as simple as converting a file. The…
扩展版本 (extension version): 1.4.7
浏览器版本 (browser version): Chrome 77.0.3865.90
操作系统 (operating system): Windows 10
问题描述 (problem description): Can't Save Anymore Tabs, Is There a Limit?
实际行为 (…
I think Tabs Aside can be a OneTab killer... but there's a feature that I miss:
Allow moving tabs from one session to another.
This would be done in the sidebar, I suppose. Ultimately, a dedicat…
Currently, we can save all tabs into bookmarks, but some inconvenient things I meet as following:
- I need to create multiple named folders which contains them.
- I really don't want to save those w…
I and thousands of other users import bulk tabs regularly if not daily. From tree tabs saved groups, which restores a TREE structure of tabs in sidebar (also from Onetab, bookmarks, etc).
When sav…