Issues like https://github.com/OpenLiberty/open-liberty/issues/29809 could be avoided with some improvements to our docs.
- The `sslRef` metatype description says:
> Specifies an ID of the SSL …
ayoho updated
1 month ago
Log in to a machine using Ubuntu 18 or 20.
Using demo-devmode project, devc branch note the server.xml does not contain mpHealth.
Edit Dockerfile to use a slim image such as `openliberty/open-libert…
### Title: Configuring Quiesce Timeout in Open Liberty
There is a new capability in Open Liberty that allows users to configure the server's quiesce timeout. This feature enab…
Offer MicroProfile/Jakarta EE/Open Liberty as a path for the workshop. This is particular relevant to developers working with MicroProfile/Jakarta EE as their programming model of choice as well as f…
**Describe the bug**
If there is an `openidConnectClient` configured for JWT authentication and there is a gRPC service which uses client streaming (or bidirectional streaming) the client stream is…
The OL image built by ci.docker has following file structures
- liberty runtime is located at `/opt/ol/wlp`
- server configuration is also located at `/config`
- logs files are located at `/logs`
Short summary post of the options we have for Azure
Trying to run task docker-build, but getting the following error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2376. Is the docker daemon running?
Below is the task run I ran, should I b…
A section on the home page for third-party endorsements of Open Liberty.
I can write a two-stage Docker build like this, which in stage 1, packages a WAR and generates Liberty config (bootstrap.properties, liberty-plugin-variable-config.xml, etc.) from the POM properties,…