## 各種情報
## READMEレビュー時にMVPリリース時点で実装予定だった機能
[ ] Googleログイン
[ ] アルバム機能
[ ] 写真アップロード
[ ] タグ付け
[ ] OpenAIAPIにより絵本生成
integration with open ai
**Expected Behavior**
It would be great to have an explicit error message when the connection with OpenAI cannot be established.
**Current Behavior**
(Using Spring AI 0.8.1)
Messages are quit…
How to customize API website addresses?
I am trying to follow the VR tutorial provided by
Immersive Limit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI9QSHpiMW0. I installed the OpenAIAPI and for some reasons the console keeps giving me an error on…
The following is a program for calling an API using asp.net core with Swashbuckle.AspNetCore:
public async Task GetResult([FromBody] string prompt)
I have API from other base URLs. How to cusomize the URL?
Thanks for the tutorial. Appreciate any advice. I am trying to run your example however I'm hitting an error. Setting it all up it doesn't work.
I get the following error when I check the Fu…
Esse fluxo será o fluxo realizado para resolução das issues criadas (humano ou ia).
- [ ] Obter as issues abertas para o repositorio
- [ ] Atrelar o app para uma issue
- [ ] Criar um overlayfs do…
HD220 updated
1 month ago
Algorithm to extract conversation thread and send to OpenAI API for embeddings:
import sqlite3
from openai import OpenAIAPI
def fetch_conversation(conversation_id):
# Create a DB conn…