98% of the time, vim-parinfer works great for me, but for code with very long top level forms (long defrecords for instance), it tends to be pretty horrible (well nigh unusable, sometimes forcing me t…
We should publish stable versions of parinfer-jvm to the Java-world equivalent of [Clojars](https://clojars.org/) or [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) (ie: a public package repository).
- [ ] figure out w…
Hi there, thanks for this great project; it makes writing Lisps a lot more pleasureful.
I've hit a situation where some or all of `racket-mode`, `lsp-mode`, `parinfer-rust-mode`, and the underlying…
I've found that when files have a git conflict, so that there are tons of lines like this in the file:
(defn foo []
(println "hello")
> my awesome commit message
The behavior for shit-j is a little unexpected, I think. In the example video, instead of moving the entire map, only the first line of the map is moved and then the parinfer algorithm re-balances eve…
Not everyone is a grey bird; we want to support modern editors:
- [ ] VSCode; a plugin would be wonderful
- [ ] SublimeText
- [ ] other editors young and enthusiastic programmers tend to use these …
vyzo updated
5 months ago
Original page was written like an interactive research paper/treatise. I want a more focused landing page now that parinfer is exiting the prototype stage and becoming a more stable and mature produc…
I have this code in my emacs config:
(setq-default mode-line-format
'(" "
(:eval (case evil-state
('normal "N")
('insert "I")
('visual "V")
('emacs "E")))
Would be nice an easy way to add new formats to vim-parinfer.
For example, Janet (https://github.com/janet-lang/janet) has multiline
strings using any number of backticks `:
This is a st…
rncar updated
4 years ago