Problem: Our current nullifier implementation doesn't constrain the nullifier to a unique value. It allows the prover to choose between two square roots and thus, two different nullifiers (N and -N). …
Merge with the [zkalc](zka.lc) backend for arithmetic / curve operations
- [ ] arkworks benchmarks
- [ ] blstrs benchmarks
- [ ] curve25519-dalek benchmarks
- [ ] pasta curves (halo2, zcash)
- …
See https://github.com/status-im/nim-blscurve/pull/53/files
for fuzzing with libFuzzer and AFL.
Regarding corpus creation, Klee might be interesting to look into: https://klee.github.io/, https://…
Hey all !
Recent changes in https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2/pull/111 have greatly improved serialization performance, which is great ! However as `halo2curves::pasta::Fp` etc…
I got this error trying to run all the tests in my codebase using this MSM implementation.
I'm trying to reproduce, and get more information. Not sure how to investigate this one atm.
EDIT: I'm …
On Monday, November 14 2022, we started with regular weekly meetings of the Seraphis wallet workgroup, and all interested parties from the community that want to join. Time is 18:00 UTC on each Monday…
### Running Starry on Windows Subsystem for Linux
This is pretty much a tutorial on how to run Starry at its current state if you have Windows, but I will also cover some issues I had during instal…
Once https://github.com/o1-labs/proof-systems/issues/980 is in, we can override the serialization for the pasta curves.
Currently the serialization of a point compressed it to a single x coordinate…
https://github.com/supranational/pasta-msm/commit/76db1fb126e0d7e77a76720f11df5dbe5957c608 introduced a change to the `Cargo.toml` that allows using this crate with `pasta_curves` at version 0.5.0.
I have written a function that turns a binary string into a number:
(letrec ((char2int (lambda (digit)
(if (eq #\0 digit) 0 1)))
(str2int (letrec ((in…