### Bug description
In our Flutter-based dashboarding app, users can view and interact with charts (gauge, bar, line, data grid, etc.) and custom cards that may contain text, trends, or other compo…
J'ai une petite question technique pour le pdf de Pla'stock. Un lecteur attentif a relevé que les figure 15a et 15b sont identiques. C'est en effet deux fois le camenbert de la ligne d'eau qui s'est a…
arXiv now redirects some searches to HTML pages instead of abstracts. Update the extension to switch from HTML to PDF in a similar way to the existing abs to PDF functionality.
HTML example: https:…
Obtener un PDF como moderador de toda la información que guarda la página (de las tablas).
I was just testing adding download block content and trying to link to a PDF and ran into two issues.
1. it doesn't appear PDFs exist in the AEM Assets Library. Can you ensure that these are added …
I am using the PDFsharp 6.2.0 Preview 1 in a .net 8 project.
It shows me this error "Stream cannot be read. Please send us the PDF file so that we can fix this (issues (at) pdfsharp.net)." when I t…
Provide a pair of new subcommands:
* `pdfly sign` : take a PDF document and a pair of public/private certificates, and produce a signed PDF document
* `pdfly check-sign` : take a signed …
If there is no space and no new line between "trailer" keyword and "
Option to attach PDF as context.
Using 3.4.2 on Win10:
I tryed to export to PDF with options in dialog box attached: