ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
4 db_name='gnuca…
I'd like to migrate from GnuCash to (h)ledger and using 'ledger' exports runs fine, but wonder if it is possible to convert data taking into consideration that e.g. for my native currency (C…
Firstly thanks for the great tool it really does make interacting with my gnucash files so much easier.
I am writing a simple saltedge (Decent bank aggregator API) importer and would prefer to…
[Combine Selling shares and capital gain_loss in one transaction.pdf](https://github.com/sdementen/piecash/files/3638904/Combine.Selling.shares.and.capital.gain_loss.in.one.transaction.pdf)
The yahoo-finance package relied on a non-official API from yahoo that got discontinued on 2017-11-01.
See how to replace it by http://alpha-vantage.readthedocs.io/
>python setup.py install
C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\tushare-trader-master\tushare-trader-master\tushare_trader\stock\classifying.py:16: FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions …
I get this when I try to run this, with Gnucash 3.10.
(venv) simple_gnucash_budget_plots % python budget.py ~/Desktop/main.gnucash
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "budget.py", line…
I have problems with Return-of-Capital transactions (and Capital Gains) exported from GnuCash.
These are recorded with 0 quantity in shares, and just the currency amount that goes out of the share ac…
I have some questions/comments on the "user friendliness" of fire.
With the following script `fire_test.py`
import fire
class Example(object):
"""this is an example module with some…
[piecash](https://github.com/sdementen/piecash/) Python library has an option to export a GnuCash (v2 & 3) book to ledger format.
Also, has anyone managed to build the docs under Windows?