idp.go:99: failed to read response: invalid character '
When I run newman in de command line i get the error as mentioned in the title. After some debugging i found the cause.
In de json exported i have a path variable that has the value 'v2' if i rem…
This is a speculative/design issue
A common pattern coming out of job work is: I called an adaptor function with some data, it did some stuff and sent a http request, the server returned an error.
1. Newman Version (can be found via `newman -v`): postman/newman:latest
2. OS details (type, version, and architecture): Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
3. Are you using Newman as a library, or via the CLI? A…
When I use
apiKey: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_API_KEY }}
collection: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_COLLECTION_URL }}
reporters: cli
This doesn't work. It …
*Originally created by fsamwel (https://github.com/VNG-Realisatie/Haal-Centraal-common/issues/41):*
Wanneer er wijzigingen worden gedaan aan de yaml voor een API, moeten we nu handmatig (in Swagger o…
As a user of AWS sub-accounts, I have to assume-role to get temporary AWS credentials to then paste into Postman that last an hour. When using other AWS integrated tools like the CLI etc you can speci…
I'm trying to make a couple of post requests using `-d` flag like `-d {}`
I see that ganda errors out saying `Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -d`
cat /tmp/list_of_urls_an…
Newman calls are failing for those postman calls where we have Token as part of request header.
Postman requests like ( Auth, Resetpassword ) with an Token in request response are giving response wit…