Core has different assemblies for scrubbing DBNull. Here is a fix by another person prior to invoking any Invoke-SqlCmd2 will cause the block in Invoke-SqlCmd2 to silently fail.
## Description
I was advised I should create a bug report for not being able to log in using username and password in Powershell core. This makes things difficult when we port our tests from Windows …
### What happened?
#https://download.osgeo.org/qgis/windows/QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.40.1-1.msi Find-EverGreenApp -Name QGIS | Get-EvergreenApp | ? channel -eq latest
>Version Channel Date URI …
## General summary of the issue
--- in Powershell 7 ---
Pester 5 : Invoke-Gherkin not recognized
Pester 4.10.0 : Invoke-Gherkin command found but not loaded
--- Powershell 5.1.* ---
Just curious if this approach is correct.
PS6 includes System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, but PSStandard 5.1 doesn't reference this.
# Reproduce
1. Build a psmodule package and t…
### Prerequisites
- [X] Write a descriptive title.
- [X] Make sure you are able to repro it on the [latest released version](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases)
- [X] Search the existi…
**Describe the bug**
When using the `hideCommandSummaryInDescription` option of `HelpOptions`, if the command description doesn't start with a line feed, then the description is lost in the output.
As I understand it, to use PowerShell 7 with AlOps tasks, we need to set the pwsh flag (despite the documentation stating `# Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)`, which is no longer accurate).
When you create a PowerShell function, you're given a selection menu of our currently supported PowerShell runtimes (as of this writing, it's PowerShell 7 and PowerShell Core 6.) However, the UI doesn…
Something related to PSFramework causes ``Install-Module FileType`` to fail:
PS 6.2.3 C:/WINDOWS/system32> install-module filetype -force -verbose …