First of all, thanks for writing this library! It's great to see pure Rust implementations of some good post-quantum KEM algorithms, especially this one!
I'd love to consume this for a proje…
faern updated
2 years ago
[`sodiumoxide`](https://github.com/sodiumoxide/sodiumoxide) was recently deprecated so should we stay or should we go?
BPO | [27279](https://bugs.python.org/issue27279)
--- | :---
Nosy | @malemburg, @ncoghlan, @larryhastings
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not …
The [current implementation](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/4c8f8faa2b109c754e18a2c285d6e7aade886fdb/stdlib/Random/src/generation.jl#L29) of samplers for eg `Float23` and `Float64` effectivel…
tpapp updated
2 years ago
BPO | [27250](https://bugs.python.org/issue27250)
--- | :---
Nosy | @malemburg, @ncoghlan, @vstinner, @alex, @Lukasa
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and…
Can't pickle local object 'MultiThreadedAugmenter._start..producer'
Exception ignored in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\batchgenerators\d…
This is to upgrade to PARI 2.13.x. https://repology.org/project/pari/versions
This new PARI release brings a lot of bug fixes,
new functionality, and speedups.
- [pari-2.13 release announcement](h…
BPO | [12754](https://bugs.python.org/issue12754)
--- | :---
Nosy | @rhettinger, @mdickinson, @ncoghlan, @vstinner
Files | [prngtest.zip](https://bugs.python.org/file22906/prngtest.zip "Uploaded as ap…
**EDIT**: An updated proposal is available [below](https://github.com/fortran-lang/stdlib/issues/135#issuecomment-582732367).
There are a few suggestions to have pseudorandom number generators (PRN…
Running convolutional layers seems to cause an error that Jax does not know what cudnn optimisation algorithm to use
This error appears to be Jax only as I have replicated the code with TensorFlow a…