I'm trying to replicate a Falcon 9 crew mission (with powered pod landing).
After the de-orbit burn, the craft starts to do "micro-burns" over and over again, and then it starts the suicide burn way …
**Original report ([archived issue](https://DedalusProject.github.io/dedalus_bitbucket_history/#!/dedalus-project/dedalus/issues/38)) by Pierre Augier (Bitbucket: [paugier](https://bitbucket.org/%7Beb…
Maybe I am really naive, and this is not the way it should be done. In some sense this is related to #461.
## Background
Here we show some attempts to implement a function which performs (`$$\vec{…
Reading how [`ContinuousDS(prob::ODEProblem)` w/o Jacobian](https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/DynamicalSystemsBase.jl/blob/6a2698981f621b28ba4be0fe4aa4fa08e669ceb5/src/continuous.jl#L110):
This is going to be just a quick reality check as I may be just using the method incorrectly. I would appreciate a comment on this. I am running the following code
``` python
def cp_pseudospectral(ma…
The explicit location of the collocation points have been listed many times in the examples.
``` python
# Legendre collocation points
legendre_points1 = [0,0.500000]
legendre_points2 = [0,0.211325,0.…