It says success but...
there's an error
We can't spend more time on the technology stack we're using on github.com/internet/radio4000, which is live on radio4000.com Before this project can replace what's online on radio4000.com it should:
When you're signed in and don't have a channel yet, there are zero links to /create/channel in the menus. Guess we should keep the menu item as long as you don't have a radio?
How do we get it over? Do we want to? It's a big question that probably has to be answered in steps.
- users (password? google? facebook?)
- channels
- tracks
I'm ok ignoring the following/fol…
Update sql/init.sql with the following.
## All tables should have these fields
- id (with `uuid`?)
- [x] created_at (https://github.com/internet4000/radio4000-cms/issues/7)
- [x] updated_at (h…
I do not find a way to let the `iframe` element in the final markdown.
Would you help me understand what I am missing?
It does not seem that it finds any `iframe` element, with a `` or…
It'd be good to agree on some smart pattern for fetching data. Something ala @jfalxa's "snapshot" thingy.
- option to say don't fetch same thing twice (local caching)
- reusable queries
How we …
First, thanks for this addon! Most useful I've got with ublock origin.
Also not a iOS user myself, I am wondering what prevent this bit of code to work in Firefox for iOS?
This prototype project https://github.com/internet4000/explorer-discogs has been an experiment for exploring Discogs data; adding the possibility of a player that can continue playing the videos of a …