Would it be possible to perform authentication on CypressOnRails Commands?
There is a workaround: by injecting another middleware before `cypress_on_rails`, checking for the `/__e2e__/command` rout…
# What It Took to Build a Rails Integration for Rodauth | Janko's Blog
When Rodauth came out, I was excited to finally have a full-featured authentication framework that wasn’t tied to Rails, given t…
- API KEYを発行できるようにする
- 公開するAPIを整理する
- API Documentを作成する
I don't know what could be the problem? I am using rails composer tools for user authentication and authorization. all went well until I did rails generate controller. I can see files are generat…
Is there plans to allow configuring Skylight on block-level?
Skylight.configure do |config|
config.authentication = Rails.application.secrets.skylight_authentication_token
It currently asks for a name to log info, but with multiple folks having access any one can use anyone's name. Would be great to have a password issued to each user so they can use to only login using…
I am using gem mongomapper in my rails application. I have installed mongo and there is mongo router which managing different mongo instances. The schema which I am using in my rails application requi…
Consumption of Endpoint from #1 [Authentication using devise (Backend)#1](https://github.com/ogiogiovictor/Final-Group-Capstone/issues/1) from Backend Rails API
The [REST resources](https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-api-ruby/tree/main/lib/shopify_api/rest) have key roles as they provide an interface in interacting with every endpoint of the API as well as ca…
Code is verbatim from the GraphQL Ruby on Rails tutorial:
File: /app/graphql/mutations/s…