Recently started getting into computer stuff again for the first time in a while, though I have had to settle on windows 7 for now, rather than linux as I used to use. I used vundle before, and I have…
ghost updated
7 years ago
Type: Bug
1. Create a new JavaScript file
2. Add the line `document.querySelector('#add-button')`
3. Notice the `#add` part is considered to be a color and a Color Decorator is prefixed to it.
What I've tried: restarting VS2022, clearing the MEF cache, reinstalling/repairing VS2022... no luck.
Thanks for a useful plugin!
Anyway I have some highlighting issues in Macvim. I tried to disable colors using `let g:ags_agexe = 'ag --nocolor'` but the issue is still there on some lines.
[rainbow-delimiters](https://github.com/Fanael/rainbow-delimiters) is an Emacs mode that could be potentially easy to port over. `showparen` looks like it could relatively easily integrate said port. …
- [x] move chunk settings slides to extra slides
- [x] move rainbow parentheses to extra slides
Wucuo has reported errors when I load themes and delete packages. Seems to be because wucuo-split-camel-case called on irregular words. Also, why`wucuo-spell-check-visible-region` runs at all? In this…
## MacOS
- [Atom](https://atom.io/): 配合 `vim-mode-plus` 简直酸爽
- [ShadowsocksX-NG](https://github.com/shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG): 科学上网利器
- [Kap](https://getkap.co): 屏幕录制(GIF、WebM、MP4)
- [Robo…
ttop5 updated
9 months ago
Some language communities do an annual survey.
Two examples:
- [Rust](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2018/11/27/Rust-survey-2018.html)
- [Clojure](https://www.clojure.org/news/2019/02/04/state-of-clo…