It's possible to instead of giving a fixed height to the component, make it fit the content?
Im trying to implement https://github.com/ptnz/react-native-google-places-autocomplete/ a search bar tha…
Is there any plan to implement a composable function for Places Autocomplete?
I am unable to use Polyline in google map, as I have already go through the documentation and It seems like there is no support for Polyline or some other thing like a circle, rectangular and much mo…
I have an `AddressSuggestion.js` component which uses usePlacesAutocompleteService like this
import usePlacesService from "react-google-autocomplete/lib/usePlacesAutocompleteService";
When testing the widget with `jest` in a `react` and `typescript` project, I get the following error:
`TypeError: autocompleteRef.current.setFields is not a function at node_modules/react-google-au…
When a search a location using google maps it searches for similar location but when I try to search to search the same location using react native google places, using the openPlacePickerModal method…
Task :react-native-fast-image:compileDebugJavaWithJavac
Note: [2] Wrote GeneratedAppGlideModule with: [com.bumptech.glide.integration.okhttp3.OkHttpLibraryGlideModule, c
It would be nice to be able to copy-paste destination or directions from Google maps to the car navigation system through the app
I am setting the types to ['address'], but it seems that it has no effect on the suggestions. In the official docs, when I set the type to 'address' and try to search for addresses, I only get address…
I would appreciate a definitive guide on using this with next.js. The Next.js script tag with a beforeInteractive strategy gives the error ` use-places-autocomplete: Google Maps Places API library mu…