Hello Anoop,
Create a new page called `contact.jsx` under `pages` directory.
Use this design to https://www.figma.com/design/Jx3x4KAJDKkT4ejXXK7w7P/Contact-us-page-UIUX-(Community)?node-id=1-681…
# 🐞 `@web3-react/walletconnect-connector`doesn't load
* Installed dependencies worked
* Can't run the app
# 🛠️ Config
* Node 16
* React and react-pom 18
* Webpack 5.0.0
* Yarn 1.22.18
Develop the React for the landing/home page of the app
Make a my account button, probably top right -- this should just be a html thing, you can add server functionality too and make a "my_account" landing page too though if you want. We will need one.
# Task Overview
This task focuses on modifying the LapProFix dashboard navbar to replace existing headings with a search bar and mobile number. The goal is to ensure responsiveness so that the search…
### Describe the bug
Development server doesn't serve the app landing page without React Dev Tools installed limiting development to browsers with React Dev Tools plugins. However useful, there's n…
Usando la API de Create React App, crear un proyecto en React base para la Landing Page
[Create React App](https://create-react-app.dev/)
Crear y subir el repositorio a GitHub, compartir el link…
Deja de usar REACT, ponte a bregar con flutter y el landing page
Why Add a "Publish to Prod" button if it just leads to a failing build?? @issaafalkattan
[13:14:30.049] Cloning github.com/JimLynchCodes/gh-brokes (Branch: main, Commit: fa67ca4)