Dear author:
We downloaded Recole-gnn and wanted to use the model about GNN, but we encountered some strange problems. At the beginning, we thought it was our own problem, but after nearly two mont…
log file not found when running on private dataset
`FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/user/recsys_research/log/BPR/BPR-data/recbole-Jun-22-2023_13-03-34-c88916.log'`
i …
**描述这个 bug**
我按照[(https://recbole.io/docs/user_guide/usage/parameter_tuning.html) []中的步骤进行HyperTuning参数搜索时,报错AttributeError: 'numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState' object has no attribute 'integers'
18 Apr 23:17 WARNING Session not detected. You should not be calling `report` outside `tuner.fit()` or while using the class API.
18 Apr 23:17 WARNING File "run_hyper.py", line 126, in
First of all, hats off to the team maintaining this open-source library for recommender systems!
**Describe the bug**
While running experiments with ml-1m, the timestamps associated to the entrie…
Interested in the pretraining process of UniSRec, I followed the instruction of README.md to pretrain in multi gpus. All the codes were downloaded from this github correctly.
When I execute the final step, “python run.py --dataset foursquare --input_path foursquare-data --output_path output_data/foursquare --duplicate_removal --convert_inter”, the following error comes: