This is a simple form, with `zod` and `react-hook-form`, using `@hookform/resolvers` for integration.
Reproduction link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-c6cz55?file=src%2FApp.tsx
This is a…
I have a `Main` function that will be called twice, and the second time it gets called it will print `64`. However the type solver throws unclear type error.
type Func = () -> number
I'm trying to verify an example that looks as follows
{-@ reflect insertAt @-}
{-@ insertAt :: n:Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] @-}
insertAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt n y xs =
if n>0 then…
I want to give a box prompt in a middle frame, it shows this warning
/root/anaconda3/envs/sam2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/_contextlib.py:116: UserWarning: You are adding a box after …
### Create & publish a work zone data feed, and post it to the [Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Feed Registry](https://datahub.transportation.gov/Roadways-and-Bridges/Work-Zone-Data-Exchange-WZDx-Feed-…
Using [`types.refinement`](https://mobx-state-tree.js.org/API/#refinement),
survey task validations:
- [x] characteristics
- [ ] choices
- [ ] questions
- [ ] questionsMap
survey annotation …
If you have `0
An example of using refinement types and dependent types to write a padded string in ATS described below:
More about ATS: https://en.wikipedia.org/w…
## Feature Summary
The Portal registration flow and its overall UX and UI must be compatible with our customers' legal names and identifiers.
## Change Description
### Business Value and Requ…
I experience an Error in XMLSchema11, this problem seem not to occure in XMLSchema10
Validating the schema works without any issue, but parsing it results in the xmlschema.validators.exceptions.XML…