Die Website soll voll responsive sein, d.h. auch auf Mobilgeräten funktionieren. Momentan Probleme bei Tebellen mit Text und bei Überschriften der Tabellen
nice job 👍
And I've got some improvements:
- Instead of defaulting to a explicit size of the plot, I would find it nice to include a `viewBox` in the Svg and to remove the height and widt…
#### How to reproduce this bug:
adjust configuration to enable global flexboxes and import required flex box classes in sass.
Add the advanced top bar menu example per the docs. http://foundatio…
The following is verbatim copy edit proposed by a camper:
50] Waypoint: Mobile Responsive Images "Your new image should have the class "img-responsive". Could be misinterpreted to lead one to cre…
Am I missing something? but nav button is not opening on Apple it is working fine on Android.
Other SDK than JS/jQuery can generate responisves images http://cloudinary.com/blog/how_to_automatically_create_images_for_responsive_design#api_example_1
But if I try with the JS library :
It would be great to provide a way to unbind events. It's actually nearly impossible to remove the events binded by hunt.
Header is overlapping with the body content if the browser window is minimized.
As Bootstrap is being used in this mean, the header should not be overlapped with the body content.
![screenshot from …
Hello. Despite having `'hide_dot_files' => true` files starting with a dot are not hidden in sub directories. I have an example here where two images (one starting with a . and one without) have b…