Continued discussion from https://github.com/kobuki/VPTools/issues/6
The station is 1 floor below and about 40 feet across where the receiver is. Drywall and plywood in the way of line of sight. I …
First, there's a typo in the method name `setFreqeuncy`, it should be named `setFrequency`.
Then, I have no idea how to use that. What's the `FRF` parameter? Is it the actual tx/rx frequency in MHz…
### Hardware:
Board: ESP32-WROOM-32U
Core Installation version: 1.0.4
IDE name: VSCode + Platform.io
Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
PSRAM enabled: No…
I have an issue with the WxReceiver sketch, on a Motino R4, with BMP280 sensor and 868mhz rubber aerial.
Not sure if its my config of 3 transmitters (all in UK, so EU band)
Tx1 - Wind / UV…
I´m trying to install it on a RaspberryPi Zero W but Make get stuck on:
g++ -o LoRaPktFwrd RadioLib/src/linux-workarounds/SPI/SPI.cpp RadioLib/src/linux-workarounds/dummy.cpp RadioLib/src/protocols…
I have a RFM69 attached to a 1284p.
fuses; lfuse:0xc2 hfuse:0xd1 efuse:0xff:
Attached the pins (using the bobuino pinout)
` MOSI: PB5 `
` MISO: PB6`
` SCK : PB7`
` SS : PD7`
I'm wondering if you might consider adding HamShield (https://github.com/EnhancedRadioDevices/HamShield) support for the library. They have an Arduino library but it only works on avr boards. I'm tryi…
I would like to get some guidance to add Bluetooth using a RF69 chip to the board.
I would be willing to make software to control with an app.
Thanks for the help and consideration.
**Describe the bug**
When sending 8 bytes over RFM69 only 7 is received, it looks like the first received byte is payload length but then it should be payload but payload length is repeated instead f…
to start with I ordered and assembled the same Adafruit modules found on the photos on the RFQuack github site: