Have been seeing this for a while, currently on mac os 10.12.4:
$ jpm watchpost --post-url http://localhost:8888
JPM [info] Starting jpm watchpost on Min Vid
2017-04-28 13:14 node[34811] (FS…
Electron (https://electronjs.org/) is a possible framework for developing a new GUI.
It's cross-platform, uses HTML for layout and CSS for styling.
It seems to be widely used and well-supported.
There seems to be non-deterministic behavior in `walletnotify.py` (or in `CWallet::AddToWallet`) where 30-40% of the time, perhaps only under load, CI fails, always when testing notifications after re…
gRPC is a modern open source high performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable suppo…
7天用 Go语言/golang 从零实现 RPC 框架 GeeRPC 教程(7 days implement golang remote procedure call framework from scratch tutorial),动手写 RPC 框架,参照 golang 标准库 net/rpc 的实现,…
skywalking support auto-instrument agent in Golang now, And supports plugin mechanism to support various third-party frameworks.
The following RPC Frameworks plugins provide the distributed tracin…
# Summary
### Summary:
**Pawelblaszczyk** is experimenting with an RPC setup similar to the minimal example provided in the Effect-TS ecosystem and is looking for guidance on setting cookies on RPC r…
bbs@946d4dbea71b:~/pttbbs/daemon/boardd$ pmake clean all
rm -f boardc.o boardd.o convert.o article.o strings.o board_service_impl.o bbs++.o evbuffer.o board.pb.cc board.grpc.pb.cc board.pb.h boa…
Now that we have a nearly feature-complete EVM implementation, our next goal is to start executing increasingly more complex code. It should be possible to use Nimbus with some of the existing ethereu…
Techbar o mezza giornata se ci vogliamo abbinare un giro su Proto.Actor
Servizi che devono scambiarsi informazioni in modo semplice, sicuro e performante? Magari su piatt…