For environments that do not want to use the Flow UI from Spark, the interface cannot be disabled using --conf "client.web.enable=false"
Using --conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dai.h2o.disable…
right now as_h2o_frame creates frame named "frame_rdd_xxx" but it should allow user to pas actual name of frame: as_h2o_frame(table, "myTable")
Related to https://0xdata.atlassian.net/browse/SW-911
The current workaround is to include the repository using --repositories
However, in sparklyr there is no option to include such option
Update SW help system with the following changes from review:
- Add an "About Sparkling Water" section (and updated the index's "Overview" in the process)
- Add a small overview section about Spar…
For PySparkling and Sparkling Water, we can use the corresponding getters:
bin/sparkling-shell --conf "spark.ext.h2o.client.web.port=443"
In RSparkling we do not have setters and g…