[root@master ~]# ceph-salt status
Failed to check if ceph orch is configured on minion 'master'
[root@master ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111
[root@master ~]# uname -…
gpg_cache is used to decrease gpg_render time. With disk type cache the per-render state is persisted between render calls and master workers. With the memory type the expectation i…
When using `file_client: local` salt ignores the `master: ` parameter and connects to ``. I don't know whether this is right or wrong, but the problem is, the logs output the…
When try send highstate test=true (Sync minion status)
Getting back correctly parsed highstate output but with 'Target': 'unknown-target'.
Following that minion sync-status can't be checked.
from salt-test01.test.pub
master congif:
cluster_pki_dir: ../gv0/brick/pki/master
ls .../gv0/brick/pki/master/peers/
salt-test01.test.pub salt-test02.pub salt-test03.test.pub
salt-key -l …
After upgrading from 3006.3 to 3006.5 we started seeing hanging minion processes consuming 100% CPU.
Narrowed it down to salt.script states with parallel: True.
### Description of Issue
[DEBUG ] Subprocess Thread-4-Schedule-__proxy_keepalive added
[DEBUG ] schedule.handle_func: adding this job to the jobcache with data {'id': 'fcr5a_native', 'fun':…
runas is int type
[root@saltstack file]# salt 'MyWindows' cmd.powershell '(Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -like 'Photoshop'} | Stop-Process)' runas='1201'
Passed inval…
I am trying to upgrade remnux on WSL2, but always fails with following error code:
> remnux-cli@
> remnux-version: v2023.20.1
> mode: addon
> downloading v2023.31.1
>> downloa…
# Pysa Bug
**Pre-submission checklist**
[ ] I've checked the list of [common issues](https://pyre-check.org/docs/pysa-quickstart/#common-issues) and mine does not appear
**Bug description**