## Summary:
As stated in the [docs](https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Cesium3DTileset.html#classificationType), the `classificationType` option for `Cesium3dTileset` currently ‘... is not …
@wangzheallen Thanks for sharing your interesting work!
I have a little question about the feature dimension of the final SVM classifier.
According to your paper and code, the dimension of vsad code…
> A PyTorch-Based Framework for Deep Learning in Computer Vision
- **待完善**
- [Image Classification](https://github.com/youansheng/torchcv/tree/master/methods/cls)
- VGG: Very Deep Convolu…
# Cifar
- 由加拿大高级研究所(Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)收集和整理的
- [Cifar10](#Cifar10) 常见的 10种物体
- [Cifar100](#Cifar100) 更精细的 100 类物体
## Cifar10
- 60000 张 32x32 彩色图片
- 10 个种类,每种 6000 …
Binary TTC: A Temporal Geofence for Autonomous Navigation. (arXiv:2101.04777v1 [cs.CV])
Time-to-contact (TTC), the time for an object to collide with the observer's plane, is a …
Following https://github.com/stac-extensions/landsat/issues/2
In reviewing the Sentinel specific metadata there are some additional fields and thinking through which ones are more general.
From …
Sen2Cor is a processor for Sentinel-2 Level 2A product generation and formatting; it performs the atmospheric-, terrain and cirrus correction of Top-Of- Atmosphere Level 1C input data. Sen2Cor creates…
# Sliding Windows CNN CTC
## Reference
- [paper - 2017 - Scene Text Recognition with Sliding Convolutional Character Models](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.01727.pdf)
- [场景文字识别Sliding Convolution笔记](…
I encountered a situation in which HermiT arrives at a (correct) conclusion which Konclude misses. The OWL file is as follows: