**Steps to Reproduce**
- Install `dynamic/silverstripe-elemental-blog`
- Change a page to `Blog` type (save, don't publish)
- Add a `BlogPost` record in the blog (publish)
- Add a Blog element t…
This is an odd one, but it's only when I use Elemental in a unique way.
I have a has_one relationship to an Element data object. For example, the site config has a has_one relationship to a "call t…
The orderable rows extension is not working.
SilverStripe version: 4.0.3
I get this javascript error:
GridFieldExtensions.js?m=1519162305:422 Uncaught TypeError: this.sortable is not a funct…
I am trying to include the elemental Block element to a DataObject, via the ModelAdmin.
I've used guidance from this issue:
I can see that there is an old issue regarding creating a task to take care of this but it doesn't look like anything has been attempted as of yet
When a block is archived, the title of the block reads as if "Displayed" or "Not displayed" is part of the title. Because there is no visual break from the title and the displayed status users can be …
Elemental Version: 4.1.0
SilverStripe Framework Version: 4.4.1
The dependent pages tab in the page admin links to a page with the ID of the element, instead of the page that the element is on. Th…
### Module version(s) affected
### Description
When inline-editing an item that contains an UploadField, it’s not possible to remove the last item from the UploadField. It appears to be…
### Overview
There have been a [number of enhancements](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-admin/issues/1098) to the 'Used on' table to display the relationships that a file might be tied t…
## Overview
The _Publish_ action is not correctly reflecting the state of a 'modified' block page.
Here's my attempt at showing the flow (✅ = expected behaviour; ❌ = unexpected behaviour):