Is it possible to store `amount` and `owner` of token account in `spl_token_owner_index` table and update it same way the items of `account` table is kept up to date? @lijunwangs
- CookBook(done!)
- FrontEnd: Typescript + Vue(simple, suit for me!)
- [Web3.js](https://solana-labs.github.io/solana-web3.js/modules.html)
- SPL Token
- [JS Dev Reference](…
would it be possible to add Birdeye's API for SPL pricing?
To have a more complete SPL discovery we can use Jupiter API to discover more tokens:
A thread of Solana runtime features that would be awesome.
* Ephemeral accounts. This would allow us to generate CPI clients that can pass return values as one would expect (without requiring the c…
I'm having this issue when calling close_raffle method:
```Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: instruction tries to borrow reference for an account which is already borro…
Hi there, I got an error when trying to use `metaplex` SDK, here is the MWE:
const mint = new PublicKey("GkCYKY6iLuNjoRmNuBHDRMUtcUCSE5buiQpPeq9iuq5u");
const nft = await metaplex.nfts().findBy…
## Sugar Airdrop tool requires a specific JSON format for the airdrop list.
It will not run if it isn't in the correct format.
This is the format that it requires the JSON file to be in.
how to deploy to the "https://api.devnet.solana.com"?
I edit "const connection = new Connection('http://localhost:8899', 'confirmed');" to "const connection = new Connection('https://api.devnet.sol…