Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable _WP_DEBUG_
2. Go to **SportsPress > Configure > Player Performance > Goals** (Edit)
3. Upload image for Icon (it's a bit buggy but possible https://github.com/ThemeB…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to **SportsPress > Configure > Player Performance**
2. Find **Goals** and click on Edit
3. Find **Icon** box, click **Image** and then **Select Icon**
4. Find or upload y…
## Prerequisites
- [X] I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate
- [ ] The issue still exists against the latest `maste…
Equations not working in career stats. For a baseball player, a common batting stat is the Average, it's just the number of hit divide by the number of at-bat. This a default equation in baseball addo…
i get this after the last update:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function boolval() in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sportspress/includes/sp-core-functions.php on line 562
After the last update of the SportsPress plugin, I can no longer edit the league table. The teams and the columns are not showing up anymore, so I can not change the number of wins, draws, los…
`Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ereg_replace() in /customers/4/5/3/---.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/sportspress/includes/class-sp-player-list.php:645 Stack trace: #0 /cust…
`Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /customers/4/5/3/balonmanozaratan.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/sportspress/includes/class-sp-league-table.php on line 310`
URL: [balonmanozaratan.com]…
As per https://wordpress.org/support/topic/calendar-time-zone?replies=2#post-6624059 the iCal feeds are generating events using GMT but should be using the same timezone as the originating blog.
![descarga 1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22749943/21954390/89b6904a-…