**Ktor Version and Engine Used (client or server and name)**
ktor_version = '1.2.5'
compile "io.ktor:ktor-server-core:$ktor_version"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-server-jetty:$ktor_ve…
If exception happens in ktor and is not handled by an interceptor such as StatusPages, it should propagate up to host and be handled there without using any ktor facilities like response pipeline. The…
### Ktor Version
### Ktor Engine Used(client or server and name)
Test engine / Netty
### JVM Version, Operating System and Relevant Context
openjdk 11
### Feedback
First of …
I wrote a test:
object AdminAuthHandlerTest : Spek({
with(ktorTestEngine()) {
describe("A sign-in endpoint") {
lateinit var call: TestApplicationCall
I had a requirement where I have to deploy the highly available Vespa database on 3 instances. What I need is if any of the 2 instances are down then also the database should be able to add, delete, u…
Version: 0.22.1
If I run query with 'match' operator, I got
Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.base/java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(ThreadLocal.java:163)
at org.jetbrains.exposed.s…
## Package version
Adonisjs 5
## Node.js and npm version
Node.js: v14.8.0
npm: v6.14.7
## Sample Code (to reproduce the issue)
**Ktor Version and Engine Used (client or server and name)**
1.3.2, CIO engine client/server
**Describe the bug**
Imagine the following server
fun main() {
embeddedServer(CIO, …
agcom updated
4 years ago
Another thing I just ran into and I am not sure on how to specify, what if my endpoint has different types it can return and multiple response codes?
Top be precise for that endpoint we return `dat…
In the summary rollup (#8), display a timeline of incidents across entities for that location (similar to the UI for @newrelic/nr1-statuspages).