i want to use d3js to create charts.
i was importing all d3js modules like in my main.js file
import * as d3 from "d3";
using the steal-tools cli `steal-tools bundle --deps --minify f…
pYr0x updated
6 years ago
I'm very interested to see an example that explains how to integrate stealjs with ASP.NET MVC6, gulp, bower, babel and react and run the app on IIS Express like it exists on a production server.
An A…
From: https://gitter.im/stealjs/steal?at=5898a85f6b2d8dd5520b7926
I think we might want to make a release for CanJS 2.3 that is properly configured to load `can/view/stache/system` when a `stache` …
## The devDependency [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash) was updated from `4.17.11` to `4.17.12`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/stealjs/steal-npm/compare/master...stealjs:greenke…
In order to minimize chaos, it would be nice to have separate repos for source files and distribution files.
Unfortunately, because [so many package managers](https://gist.github.com/timrwood/9efd372…
It should be possible to determine which version of a can-react sub project is guaranteed to work with the version of can-react being used.
When making major or minor upgrades of dependencies in thes…
- Code a method that copys HTMLScriptElement and don't uses it self as Constructor the Copyed element gets extended test it with object.assign as Lee from Facebook pointed out
This is for …
To get my build working with paths to external dependencies, I had to both add an `ignore` array in my buildOptions object for `.build()`, _and_ specify `"build" : false` in the `meta` section of my S…
__How often can you reproduce it?__
- [x] Always
- [ ] Sometimes
- [ ] Rarely
- [ ] Unable
- [ ] I didn’t try
Im using the following script tag to configure and …